What To Expect


With Harvest Christian Fellowship you’ll find a loving community of people. We come from different places, are of different ages and backgrounds, and have been Christians for different lengths of time. But what unites us together is our faith in Jesus Christ, whom we have come to see as our greatest treasure (Mt. 13:44-45). We want you to know him, too!

Sunday Worship

Our Sunday School classes begin at 9:00am and focus on helping young and old understand the Christian faith and learn how to live as Jesus’ followers. Our worship services begin at 10:15am in the church sanctuary and typically conclude around 11:30am. They include prayer, Scripture reading, vibrant singing, a report about missionaries who’ve taken the good news of Jesus around the world, and a sermon. Our sermons ordinarily go through consecutive texts in books of the Bible, showing how they point to Christ and apply to our lives. Our singing features songs old and new that proclaim the greatness of God. If you’re visiting with us, don’t worry; we won’t ask you to stand up or raise your hand. But we would love to get to know you better and are glad you’re here!


You will find a wide variety of clothing being worn among Harvest on any given Sunday. We believe that what matters much more than what we wear is the condition of our hearts as we approach God with love and reverence.

Parking & Children’s Drop-off

Feel free to park in any space you’d like and come in the main door upstairs. We’ll have a team of greeters that will get you and your children to the right place. We offer nursery for children up to kindergarten during Sunday School and the worship service, along with children’s Sunday School classes for all ages. During the worship service, we encourage children who are kindergarten and older to participate with the adults. We’ve found that this shapes them in important ways, and we don’t mind their wiggles. Feel free to pick up a children’s activity page on the table in the foyer to help them follow along.


We have a growing student ministry that meets on Sunday evenings in the downstairs Fellowship Hall space from 4:30-6pm, led by Jonathan Atkinson, along with a Youth Sunday School class that meets at 9am. We recognize the pivotal time in life that middle and high school is and want to partner with parents in making disciples that will follow Jesus as young adults.

Where You Can Find Us

We’re currently meeting at 7400 Antique Lane in Mechanicsville, but we’ve purchased land and plan to construct a new building at 8019 Walnut Grove Rd. We’d love for you to join us for an exciting coming season of church life.